Wednesday, November 20, 2013


For my final project I've kind of been playing around with two ideas, the first is kind of a spin off the sleep paralysis demon paintings such as this one:

And do a series a photographs depicting other peoples dreams or nightmares, so I'd show the person sleeping and in the background I'd create this surrealistic half photo half painting of the persons dream or nightmare or both.

My second idea is to do a just a piece as an expression of myself. I created this image awhile back of a skull and coffee cup combined and its kind of been my own personal logo, so I'd like to take it a couple of steps further and try and make an entire series like this one or take this and refine it, alter, and just use this as a jumping point for a self portrait.

Monday, November 4, 2013

So I'm think about showing a sequence of events but using something along the same lines as the nude walking down the staircase effect.